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ICR: Five Years Old This Week!
Written by Philip Burgess   
Friday, 03 September 2010 15:56
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icr_logo_anim2The International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry is 5 years old this week. Officially opened in 2007 by the Norwegian politician and current leader of the Norwegian Conservative Party (Høyre), Erna Solberg. The official opening of ICR was held in Kautokeino, while Solberg joined by telecast. You can watch her telecast below this post (in Norwegian). The past five years have seen ICR undertake an enormous amount of activity in multiple countries and continents, all directed from its office in Kautokeino. Significant milestones and activities include,

  • Launching of an interactive web based Reindeer Portal, Reindeer Blog and website for the the IPY EALÁT project
  • Planning, Coordination and executing of the EALÁT Information project, an Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group project that aims, in collaboration with the Association of World Reindeer Herders.
  • Organising with close partners WRH multiple place based workshops that address issues of climate change, loss of pastures and traditional knowledge among reindeer herders. These workshops
  • Multiple publications including EALÁT - Reindeer Herders Voice, a brochure on World Reindeer Husbandry, Reindeer Husbandry and Barents 2030 to name but a few.
  • Multiple conference presentations in Scandinavia, Russia and the US 
  • Multiple interviews and stories with print, TV and new media channels including NRK, TV2, CNN, ABC, Deutches Radio, Reuters and others.
  • Hosting and organising of mutiple conferences and workshops including the Indigenous Peoples IPY Opening in Kautokeino in 2007, the Association of World Reindeer Herders Congress in 2010, also in Kautokeino, an open seminar on reindeer husbandry for Ministeries in Oslo.
  • Attendence and participation in numerous meetings, conferences and workshops, including but not limited to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UArctic congresses and meetings, NBR-NRL / Suoma boazosamit and SSR AGMs
  • Implementation with partners of the Reindeer Ambassadors project
  • Established a wide and international range of partnerships, MOU's and collaborations with organisations including but not limited to NASA, ESA, Polarview, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, several educational institutions in Russia
  • Key role with WRH in estblishing a Centre for Taiga Reindeer Husbandry in Khatystyr in the Aldan region in Sakha (Yakutia)
These activities are all directed towards the goals of the ICR as initially laid out

→ contribute in maintaining and developing a sustainable reindeer husbandry in the north

→ strengthen the cooperation between the reindeer herding peoples

→ document the traditional knowledge of reindeer herders

→ communicate knowledge about circumpolar reindeer husbandry to our target groups

You can see a full list of activities by ICR over the years here on the Reindeer Portal.

Erna Solberg, ICR Activities, ICR Opening
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