Yamal Reindeer Meat to Finland..
Written by Philip Burgess   
Monday, 21 June 2010 21:20
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Finland’s largest processor of reindeer meat, Lapin Liha, is to begin to import reindeer meat from the Yamal Peninsula. This will signal the first time that Yamal reindeer meat is imported to a country that already has a domestic reindeer meat industry. Lapin Liha stated to the media that this was necessary as there was [...]

Finland’s largest processor of reindeer meat, Lapin Liha, is to begin to import reindeer meat from the Yamal Peninsula.

This will signal the first time that Yamal reindeer meat is imported to a country that already has a domestic reindeer meat industry.

Lapin Liha stated to the media that this was necessary as there was simply not enough reindeer meat supply in the market in Finland to meet their production goals of 40,000 reindeer per year. Currently they are processing around 24000 per year, 3000 of which come from Sweden.

Lapin Liha plan to import 200-250,000 kilos per year, all of which will come from the EU certified slaughterhouse in Yar-Sale, which was constructed by the Finnish company Kometos Oy.

Read the news release here on the Lapin Liha site.

Posted: 2010-06-21 20:20:14

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Finland, Lapin Liha, Yamal Peninsula, economy, reindeer meat