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Icelandic Volcano and Reindeer - New Feature
Written by Philip Burgess   
Thursday, 13 May 2010 18:01
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volcano2_thumbWhile the world has heard a lot about the impact of the Icelandic volcano on air traffic and the economy, what about its impact on Iceland's reindeer?

In the last few weeks, the world could hardly have failed to have heard about the Icelandic volcano with the difficult to pronounce (for non Icelandic speakers) name. Air traffic has been disrupted across Europe and airlines have lost over a billion dollars in lost revenue. The impact on the regions climate is unclear but has been the topic of much speculation.

The Reindeer Portal contacted Iceland's reindeer expert Skarphéðinn G. Þórisson of the Náttúrustofa Austurlands (East Iceland Natural History Institute), in Egilsstadir for an update of the impact of the volcano on the country's reindeer. Read the full article here.
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