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IPY OLSO - Full EALÁT Event List, ICR Participation
Written by Philip Burgess   
Thursday, 03 June 2010 17:05
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ealat_logoThe IPY Oslo Science conference, the 'largest  gathering of polar scientists ever' officially opens on Tuesday June 6 th, just days away. This will be a major milestone in the EALÁT project and will see the largest gathering of EALÁT researchers and partners since the EALÁT consortium meeting in January 2009. A full and packed EALÁT event list will continue over the full conference. The International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry will be playing a role thoughout the week.

A series of internal EALÁT meetings will be held throughout the week and the BIRGEN project will aslo be present. Highlights include the registration to the IPY-OSC at the  Kautokeino Sámi Siida and the opening of Kautokeino Sámi Siida Kautokeino which will showcase Sámi culture and science. At the Sámi Siida there will be lavvus, an information bar about the EALÁT project hosted by the Sami University College and outreach by ICR. This is been held in cooperation with Innovation Norway, Kautokeino Municipality, and Thon Hotels and will run for several days under th banner 'Guovdageaidnu / Kautokeino In the Heart of Arctic Knowledge'

The full EALAT day of presentations follows the official opening of the IPY conference on Tuesday and will run from 10-4 pm, opened by Dr. Robert Corell. Thursday sees EALAT project leader Ole Henrik Magga of the Sami University College address the full plenary in a talk entitled "Arctic peoples and Arctic research - success stories, contradictions and mutual expectations".

Friday, the EALAT documentary will be shown.


Read the full list of EALAT events here
Download the overall press programme here
Visit the official IPY Oslo conference site here
IPY OSC 2010
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