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ICR Sign MOU with Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch Insitute of the Indigenous Peoples of the North
Written by Philip Burgess   
Tuesday, 14 August 2007 01:00
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ICR Director Anders Oskal  signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Vassily Robbek of the ICR Sign MOU with Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch Insitute of the Indigenous Peoples of the North on his recent trip to the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).
World Indigenous Day Celebrated in Russia
Written by Philip Burgess   
Friday, 10 August 2007 01:00
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Celebrations of the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples was held across the Russian Arctic, in Nadym, Krasnoyarsk, Murmansk, Lovozero, yesterday according to Rosbalt North and presentations were made by the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region, Vladimir Hloponin, and Duma Speaker Sergei Haruchi YNAO who is also President of RAIPON. According to Boris Gryzlov, the State Duma speaker, the rights of indigenous peoples in Russia will always be protected, as reported by RAIPON.
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, August 9th, 2007 / The Right to be Cool: Celebrating International Day of the World's Indigenous People / Sign the Petition | Signez la pétition | Firma la petición | подпишите ходат
Written by Philip Burgess   
Thursday, 09 August 2007 01:00
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As the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is being celebrated around the world today (August 9), indigenous peoples contribution to environmental protection is being recognised, with the centrepiece of the celebrations being held at the UN headquarters in New York

"The Saami community in Scandinavia is well-known for having brought the issue of climate change and it's impact on their future livelihoods to the fora of the international community," said Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director...read more

Read the UN press releases and official statements in English, Russian and several other languages here

12th Arctic Ungulates Conference
Written by Philip Burgess   
Monday, 06 August 2007 01:00
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ICR Director Anders Oskal will be attending the 12th  Arctic Ungulates conference which is being held this week in Yakutsk, in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Previously held in Finland, the theme of this conference is dedicated the 375th Anniversary of Yakutia Unification with Russia and Yakutsk’s foundation and will concentrate on sustainable development, and alternative management regimes that are based on the ecological traditions of northern peoples in relation to Arctic ungulates.

EALAT 4 Year Phd Position Available
Written by Philip Burgess   
Thursday, 02 August 2007 01:00
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A 4 years PhD position is available at  SUC/NSI in cooperation with University of Tromsø and Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, including 25 % duties given by SUC/NSI has just been announced . The position is a part of the EALAT project working package 6: Reindeer herding, climate change and animal welfare – reindeer herders traditional knowledge and scientific analyses. You can read the job description on the EALAT website.
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