Koulutusta ja konferensseja |
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 13:49 |
Huhtikuu 2010 27.-28.4. Positioning Your Region or City to Be Influential in EU Affairs,Barcelona. EIPA. 750 €. 28.4. klo 12.30-15.30. Vipuvoimaa EU:lta - hanketietoisku - verkostoidu järjestöjen kanssa. Tampere-talo. Tilaisuudessa mukana mm. Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry, Teknologiateollisuus ry, SAK ry, STKL, Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu, Tampereen kaupunki (Välke, SYS ja Tampere Yhdessä -projektit), Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry, Tampereen kaupunkilähetys ry, Pirkanmaan liitto, Pirkanmaan ELY-keskus. Toukokuu 2010 3.-7.5. 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition – From Research to Industry and Markets, Lyon. 3.-5.5. How to Develop a Convincing Project Strategy for EU Funding: Dos and Donts for Local and Regional Actors, Barcelona. EIPA. 900 €. 4.5. Stockholm, European Green Capital 2010 - Role Model for Europe. Bryssel. Euroopan komission, Alueiden komitean ja Tukholman kaupunkin järjestämä seminaari. 11.5. Creative Policies for Creative Cities, Newcastle. 19.-21.5. IST-Africa 2010 Conference & Ehxibition, Durban, Etelä-Afrikka. FP7:n alaiseen ICT-teemaan liittyvä 5. vuosittainen konferenssi, jonka teema on sovellettu ICT-tutkimus, painotuksella taloudelliset ja yhteiskunnalliset haasteet digitaalisen kuilun poistamisessa Afrikassa. Mukana liike-elämän, hallitusten ja tutkimusorganisaatioiden edustajia. 19.-21.5. 6th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns. Dunkerque, Ranska. Ohjelma. Kutsu. Rekisteröityminen 30.4. mennessä. Hinta 350-450 euroa. "Take part in this conference and meet with:
After the successful conferences of Aalborg 1994, Lisbon 1996, Hanover 2000, Aalborg 2004 and Sevilla 2007, more than 1500 local government leaders from all over Europe as well as representatives from European and national networks of local governments, European institutions and NGOs are expected to take part in the largest European conference dedicated to local sustainable development." 19.-21.5. Developing the Project Pipeline for EU Structural Funds, EIPA. 915 €.26.5. Brokerage Event on Environmental Technologies. Seville, Espanja. Esite. "... provide participants the opportunity to meet companies, research
organizations and public administrations active in research and
technology, in order to discuss through B2B meetings: 26.-28.5. pHealth - 7th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, Berliini. "... the leading international meeting on wearable micro and nano technologies for personalized medicine. Starting in 2004, pHealth has attracted scientists for various technologies, medical doctors, policy makers from the healthcare industry, hospital administration and allied professionals." 27.-28.5. Horizontal Instruments for Environmental Policies - State Aid, Public Procurement, Structural Funds and Taxes, Maastricht. EIPA. 750 €.31.5.-3.6. 26th Trans-European Research and Education Networking Conference 2010, Vilna, Liettua. Järjestäjä TERENA. 31.5.-1.6. Local and Regional Authorities mitigating and adapting to climate change using satellite services workshop. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Eurisyn eli "...how regions can tackle climate change using concrete and innovative satellite tools. Input from Mr Potocnik, the EU Commissioner for Environment, Ms Bogataj from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and high-level representatives from European and regional organisations, will provide the background for exchanges on matters of concern for regions. Representatives from local and regional authorities will share their successful experience in using satellite information and services in areas such as CO2 emissions and air quality measuring and reporting, forest, water and renewable energy management. Regions and cities will be able to learn from and discuss with their peers how satellite service implementation can enhance successfully their climate change strategies." Kesäkuu 2010 10.-11.6. ICSTI Annual Conference 2010: From Information to Innovation, Helsinki. Maksullinen. - learn how utilizing information accelerates scientific discovery and innovation - understand how your organization can more efficiently benefit from existing information and innovative information solutions - be able to network globally and share views with colleagues, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors - orient yourself to future innovation competencies and information environments - be able to experiment hands-on with innovative information tools. 16.-18.6. 13th Green Ventures 2010, Potsdam, Saksa. 21.-22.6. CO-LLABS Thematic Network - Living Labs Fostering SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Cities, Rural Aread and Regions. Lugano, Sveitsi. Osa ICE 2010 -konferenssia. "The workshop will in particular address the integration of living labs concepts in city, rural and regional innovation systems to enhance entrepreneurship and business creation." 21.-23.6. 2010 International Energy Workshop, Tukholma. Järjestäjä KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 29.6. Informal Baltic Sea Group järjestää yhteistyössä Pohjoismaiden neuvoston kanssa vuosittaisen kesäseminaarin- ja vastaanoton Brysselissä. Aiheena mm. kuinka Pohjoismaiden neuvoston tarjoamat rahoitusmahdollisuudet. Lisätietoja järjestelyissä mukana olevalta Tampereen ja Pirkanmaan EU-toimistolta. 29.-30.6. Training Course for Framework 7 Advisors, Bryssel. 850 € 1.7. Workshop for Experienced Framework 7 Advisors, Brussels. 375 € Heinäkuu 2010 “…will bring together leading figures from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest advances in networking technologies from research and commercial perspectives. The conference is jointly organised by the University of Plymouth (UK) and the Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany).” Syyskuu 2010 13.-14.9. INCLUSO Conference - Social Software for the Social Inclusion of Marginalised Youngsters (FP7-rahoitteinen hanke, 2008-2010), Leuven. "... an international conference on eInclusion of Youth at Risk gathering international specialists in the field of social software use and improvement of social inclusion for disadvantaged youngsters. We expect also delegates from decision making groups such as governments and the European Commission. The main trust is a collection of practical results in this field and the prioritisation of future actions." 27.9. klo 14-15.30 ERRIN Mind Forum: Role of the Regions in ICT Policy. Bryssel. Järjestäjä ERRIN:in ICT työryhmä. "The Conference aims at encouraging regional stakeholders in a discussion about their R&D&I policy in relation to ICT. We want to focus on (reconsidering) the policy mix. Indeed, subsidy is the classical aid of R&D&I, but there exist other possibilities like risk capital, procurement, synergy with structural funds, networking with universities. Why does ICT clustering work in the USA but not in Europe? How to optimize ICT policy? What is the long term vision at European level?" 27.-29.9. ICT 2010 - Digitally Driven Conference - Exhibition - Networking, Brussels Expossa. Euroopan komission ja vuoden 2010 jälkimmäisen puolen EU-puheenjohtajavaltio Belgian isännöimä tilaisuus. Tilaisuuteen odotetaan noin kahtatuhatta vierasta. Ilmoittautuminen nettisivujen kautta toukokuusta 2010 alkaen. The invitation to submit exhibition proposals published on 29 January 2010.Networking session proposals deadline on 15 April 2010, lue lisää. "Key themes for the 2010 conference: - the potential of digital solutions to promote sustainable growth in a low carbon economy - the continuing constructive role of ICT in the daily life of citizens - the importance of public participation in the innovation process The conference will include special sessions presenting the European Union's funding priorities for the 2.8 Billion Euros of EU funding available for ICT research and development during 2011-2012.These themes will be discussed and debated by leading figures from business, academia and politics." Marraskuu 2010 8.-11.11. Going Green - CARE Innovation Conference and Exhibition on Electronics and the Environment. Vienna, Austria. "... the latest in environmental design, clean manufacturing, energy-efficiency, climate change, new eco-efficient technologies, collection, reverse logistics/trade-in, refurbishment, carbon trading, re-use, remarketing, recycling and policy making from leading experts in industry, academia, consulting, recyclers and public area around the globe.All companies in the electr(on)ics, automotive, solar and PV, chemical and recycling industry, power suppliers, electricity generators and distributors, contract manufacturers, material and component suppliers, service and logistic companies, collective systems, academia, consulting and public authorities (local, regional, international) are invited to attend and contribute." Call for papers, oral presentation, posters, tutorials or invited sessions. Sent to info@care-electronics.net by 31st May 2010. The abstracts must contain the conference topic, title, names of authors, affiliation and address.read full article Related Articles/Posts |