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Knuuti: Ruoššalaš bohccobierggu kvalitehta lea dárkkistuvvon
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:48
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Suoma stuorámus bohccobiergofitnodat Lapin Liha lea buktigoahtán Supmii sibirjálaš bohccobierggu. Bálgosiid ovttastusa ságadoalli Jukka Knuuti mielde ruoššalaš bierggu vuovdin ii leat áittan suopmelaš bohccobierggu vuovdimii.
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Yli 60 poroa junan alle
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:48
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Suuri porotokka jäi eilen junan alle Pohjois-Ruotsissa. Onnettomuus sattui Haaparannan lähistöllä olevalla rautatieosuudella.
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Environmental Activist Oppose Lease of Indigenous Land to Plantation of Biofuel Plants
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:48
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NAIROBI, Kenya -- Plans by an Italian investor to lease thousands of hectares of indigenous land in Kenya’s coastal town of Malindi for the plantation of biofuel plants (Jatropha carcus) have been opposed by environmental activist who claim biofuel plants could cutoff indigenous communities’ food supply chain and adversely affect their livelihoods.
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Masse dehálaš bálggosbáikkiid ČUOIGAMIIDDA
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 07:48
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Ikte čielggai duopmu ahte Gasken-Laante orohat, Davvi-Trøndelagas, gártá dattetge čáhkket saji stuorra geassečuoigamiidda, mas beakkán čuoigi Petter Northug gilvala. – Leat dehálaš bálggosbáikkit, dadjá orohaga nubbinovdaolmmoš Sonja Elise Danielsen.
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