Videos matching "Sápmi"

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Rated 2.68
Views: 7629
From: icr
Category: News & Politics
This is a photographic and sound treatment that shows Sápmi and...
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Rated 2.65
Views: 6654
From: Guest
Category: News & Politics
Footage from EALAT workshops in Chukotka and Sakha, and an interview...
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Rated 2.71
Views: 6565
From: icr
Category: News & Politics
HSH Prince Albert and his wife visiting reindeer herders in...
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Rated 2.72
Views: 6505
From: icr
Category: News & Politics
HSH Prince Albert and his wife visiting reindeer herders in...
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Rated 2.69
Views: 6293
From: icr
Category: News & Politics
HSH Prince Albert and his wife visiting reindeer herders in...
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Rated 2.78
Views: 7568
From: icr
Category: News & Politics
Maret Sara is a Sami woman from Karasjok, Norway. Here she talks...

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