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sa-suc-onltThe Sami University College was established in1989 and is founded on the needs of Saami society for higher education and research (research-based teaching). The main themes of of the College are language and language development, sustainable development and biodiversity and Sami pedagogy. Since 2008, the Sami University College has incorporated the Nordic Sami Institute is affiliated to the Sami University College which was established in 1973.

wrh-logoAssociation of World Reindeer Herders, established in 1997. The aim of the Association is to promote professional, cultural, social and economic relations between world reindeer peoples, as well as to disseminate information about reindeer husbandry.

icr_logoThe International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry is a resource base for providing and exchanging information and documentation between different reindeer peoples, legislative authorities and research- and academic communities at the national and international levels. The Centre is based in Kautokeino and is responsible for the outreach and information functions of the EALÁT project



Abisko Scientific Research Station, ANS, is an institution belonging to The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The Station's mission is: "to provide Swedish and foreign visiting scientists with the opportunity of conducting scientific work based on the particular conditions of the subartic environment surrounding the Station and also to conduct such research with its own personnel".

Arbeids og Inkuderingsdepartementet / Ministry for Labour and Social Inclusion. The Ministry is responsible for Labour market policy, Working Environment and Safety, Poverty and Welfare, Integration and Diversity, Sami and Minority Affaires and Migration. The Ministry is a supporter of the Ceavvi project within EALAT WP 2.

CICERO’s mission is to provide reliable and comprehensive knowledge about all aspects of the climate change problem. The Norwegian government established CICERO (the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo) by royal decree in 1990. CICERO is an independent research center associated with the University of Oslo. CICERO conducts research on and provides information and expert advice about national and international issues related to climate change and climate policy.


GRID-Arendal's mission is to provide environmental information, communications and capacity building services for information management and assessment. Established to strengthen the United Nations through its Environment Programme (UNEP), our focus is to make credible, science-based knowledge understandable to the public and to decision-making for sustainable development. GRID-Arendal is an official United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) centre located in Southern Norway, with out posted offices in Geneva, Ottawa and Stockholm.


Norske Reindriftsamers Landsforbund (NBR-NRL). The Sámi Reindeer Herders Association of Norway.


Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NVH) is the sole institution educating veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses in Norway. The school is also responsible for the major part of all veterinary research conducted in the country.  NVH is a state owned, autonomous institution of higher education, with university level status. The school has a student body of 470, including 80 doctoral students. NVH has four academic departments, all involved in teaching and research.


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research. NINA is responsible for long-term strategic research and commissioned applied research to facilitate the implementation of international conventions, decision-support systems and management tools, as well as to enhance public awareness and promote conflict resolution.

Norwegian Meteorological Institute goal is to be a centre of excellence on meteorological conditions relevant for Norway, and the results of its competence are to be used as a tool to the general public, the authorities, commerce and industry in their decision making process on a short term basis and for the future.


Research Council of Norway is a strategic body which identifies areas of special effort, allocates research funds and evaluates the resulting research. The Council is the principal research policy adviser to the government, and it acts as a meeting-place and network-builder for Norwegian research. The mandate of the Council is to promote and support basic and applied research in all areas of science, technology, medicine and the humanities. Important goals include raising the general level of the understanding of research in society as a whole and supporting innovation in all sectors and branches of industry.

Reindriftsforvaltningen er statens spesifikke forvaltningsorgan i saker som angår reindrift. De overordnede målene for forvaltningen av reindriften, er fastlagt i Stortingsmelding nr. 28 (1991-1992) og årlige Stortingsproposisjoner i forbindelse med Reindriftsavtalen.

The Saami Council is a voluntary Saami organization (a non–governmental organization), with Saami member organizations in Finland, Russia, Norway and Sweden. Since its foundation in 1956 the Saami Council has actively dealt with Saami policy tasks. The primary aim of the Saami Council is the promotion of Saami rights and interests in the four countries where the Saami are living, to consolidate the feeling of affinity among the Saami people, to attain recognition for the Saami as a nation and to maintain the economic, social and cultural rights of the Saami in the legislation of the four states. (Norway, Sweden, Russia and Finland). This objective can be achieved through agreements between these states and the bodies representing the Saami people, the Saami parliaments. The Saami Council renders opinions and makes proposals on questions concerning Saami people’s rights, language and culture and especially on issues concerning Saami in different countries.


Suoma Boazosamit. Suoma boazomsamit is the Sámi Reindeer Herders Association in Finland.


Tallinn University of Technology - NORISS - Other Canon Foundation. Personnel involved in EALÁT: Erik S. Reinert is Professor of Technology Governance and Development Strategies at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, and Senior Research Fellow at NORISS, Norwegian Institute of Strategic Studies, in Oslo. He is Founder and Chairman of the Other Canon Foundation.


University of Lapland, Arctic Centre is a research and science centre located near the Arctic Circle, Rovaniemi, Finland. The Arctic Centre conducts internationally high-level multidisciplinary research, carries out project services, maintains an Science Center exhibitions, Information Service and a library, and also provides education. The Institute with its Science Centre exhibitions is located on the banks of the Ounasjoki river at the striking Arktikum and is one of Lapland’s most visited tourist attractions. About sixty people work at the Arctic Centre.


University of Oslo is Norway’s largest and oldest institution of higher education. It was founded in 1811 when Norway was still under Danish rule. Today the University of Oslo has approx. 30,000 students and 4,600 employees. Four Nobel Prize winners indicates the quality of the research at the University.


University of Tromsø - Centre for Sámi Studies. Through its strategic development and planning, the Centre for Sámi Studies is an important contributor in strenghtening Sami and indigenous perspectives in research work established within a wide range of fields at the University of Tromsø

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