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ohmDr. Ole Henrik Magga is currently Professor at the Sami University College, Kautokeino, Norway. Magga has long been involved in research, rights and political issues related to Sami and indigenous peoples and has held a wide range of political and research positions both nationally and internationally.

Contact: ole-henrik.magga[at]


Dr. Ole Henrik Magga lea professor Sámi allaskuvllas Guovdageainnus, Norggas. Magga lea guhkit áiggi bargan sámi ja álgoálbmotáššiid dutkamiin, vuoigatvuođaiguin ja politihkain, ja sus leat leamaš olu politihkalaš ja dutkamii guoski virggit sihke ruovtturiikkas ja riikkaidgaskasaččat.

Váldde oktavuođa: ole-henrik.magga[at]


svein_thumb2Dr. Svein Mathiesen of the Sámi University College and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science and also an employee of the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry. A Biologist by training, Dr. Mathiesen has been involved with issues related to reindeer husbandry and international cooperation in the field of reindeer husbandry for nearly two decades.

Contact: svein.d.mathiesen(at)


Dr. Svein Mathiesen bargá Sámi allaskuvllas ja Norgga Veterinearaallaskuvllas ja maiddái Boazodoalu Riikkaidgaskasaš Guovddážis. Biologan lea Dr. Mathiesen bargan olu boazodollui guoski áššiiguin ja riikkaidgaskasaš boazodoalu ovttasbargoáššiiguin fargga moaddelogi jagi.

Váldde oktavuođa: svein.d.mathiesen[at]



thumb-inger_anneInter Anne Siri Triumf is project coordinator. Inger Anne is uniquely suited to the task - she is born and raised in a reindeer herding family in Kautokeino - Guovdageaidnu, and her family maintain a daily contact with their herd whose winter and summer pastures are quite close to Kautokeino - Guovdageaidnu (the Ábborášša siida). For the last ten years Inger Anne has worked full time with reindeer and raising a family of five children the oldest of which is 19.

Inger Anne speaks fluent Sami, Norwegian, English and good Finnish, as she also has relatives just over the border in Haetta. Inger Anne is responsible for the day to day running and coordination of the project as well as the accounts. Contact ingerast(at)



andersProject Leader: Anders Oskal is Director of the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry and is project leader of the Arctic Council project EALAT Information and responsible for coordinating EALAT outreach activities.

Contact: ax(at)


Prošeaktajođiheaddji: Anders Oskal lea Boazodoalu Riikkaidgaskasaš Guovddáža direktevra ja lea Árktalaš Ráđi EALÁT diehtojuohkinprošeavtta prošeaktajođiheaddji. Sus lea maiddái ovddasvástádus koordineret EALÁT gulahallandoaimmaid.

Váldde oktavuođa: ax[at]



philip_smallPhilip Burgess joined the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry in 2007 and is responsible for the development of the Reindeer Portal and the EALÁT web site. Contact: pb(at)

Philip Burgess álggii Boazodoalu Riikkaidgaskasaš Guovddážii 2007:s ja sus lea ovddasvástádus ovddidit Boazodoallo-portála. Dán olis lea sus ovddasvástádus buot osiide EALÁT web-buvttadeamis.

Váldde oktavuođa: pb[at]

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