Written by Karen Inga Kemi
Friday, 11 May 2012 12:33 |
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Written by Karen Inga Kemi
Friday, 11 May 2012 12:13 |
Birgen rapporta 2.áigodagas čakčamánu 1.beaivve 2009 -cuoŋománu 30.beaivái 2010is
Birgen prosjektets rapport fra 2.periode 1.september 2009- 30.april 2010
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Traditional Knowledge and Education in Reindeer Husbandry - Boazoealáhusaárbeviroláš Máhttu ja Oahpaheapmi - Tradisjonell kunnskap og opplæring i reindriften |
The Reindeer Herding Women’s Network has been active for nearly a decade and has placed at the forefront of its efforts the preservation and development traditional knowledge in reindeer husbandry. The network was officially created in 1999. The overriding intention of the Network has been to strengthen family based reindeer herding and the education of children and young people. In 2002, the Network started work towards the creation of a dedicated educational centre for reindeer husbandry. In 2009, the BIRGEN project was initiated as a cooperation between the Reindeer Herding Women’s Network and the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry. "Herding has traditionally been a family-based industry. The Goahti was our home, migrating with reindeer was our life and our means of transportation. Reindeer herds and the siida were at the core of our lifestyle and workplace, and the whole family was present all year round "( Ellen Marie Turi Gaup) Project Coordinator - Karen Inga KemiEmail - kik@reindeercentre.org
- Project tasks: Maintaining a focus on traditional knowledge and training reindeer herders in the importance of womens perpsectives in reindeer husbandry through participation in various events such as conferences or meetings.
- Conducting seminars Network Development: Maintaining and expanding the current Network and developing cooperation between various networks in different regions of reindeer husbandry.
- Knowledge development: to gather and systematize information related to the work of the Network such as reports, audio-visual material, teaching materials etc.
- Education: Investigate measures to improve the conditions for traditional knowledge and education in reindeer husbandry, including the development of learning materials, x

Traditional knowledge and education in reindeer husbandry

Download the First Project Report Here
Rahpanseminára "Árbevirolaš máhttu ja oahpaheapmi boazoealáhusas/Tradisjonell kunnskap og opplæring i reindriften" Seminar Online Webcast Here
Rahpanseminára Govva / Opening Seminar Photographs here