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Future Arctic Leaders Course gets Underway, Kautokeino
Written by Philip Burgess   
Tuesday, 20 March 2012 03:06
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icr_logo_anim2Future Arctic Leaders:
Introduction Course: “Training Indigenous Leaders for New Arctic Challenges”
March 20th –30rd, 2012 in Kautokeino, Norway

This unique course is getting underway in Kautokeino, Norway this week. The goal is to train future Arctic indigenous leaders to develop networks in the circumpolar north, learn and respect each others culture and world view. Furthermore students should improve communication, presentation and negotiations techniques, and increase their insights and knowledge about changes in the Arctic. Finally the course will support future leaders to develop a sustainable vision for their local society in the circumpolar north based on traditional and scientific knowledge.

The course is being held to coincide with the seminar that is being held in Kautokeino on Mining and reindeer husbandry in Finnmark and the holding of the World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference, also in Kautokeino which gets underway on March 25-29th. A guest of honour at both the Future Arctic Leaders course and the WITBC will be HSH Prince Albert of Monaco.

The course is being organised and  supported by the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, the Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, the Institusjonen Fritt Ord, the University of the Arctic, the Assocation of World Reindeer Herders, the UArctic EALAT Institute, the Sami joatkkaskuvla ja  boazodoalluskuvla, UNEP Grid Arendal, the University of Tromso, and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science.

Download the entire programme here
Conferences, ICR Activities, Prince Albert, UArctic EALAT Institute, WRH Activities
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