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ICR Presents to Bioforsk
Written by Philip Burgess   
Tuesday, 04 September 2007 01:00
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ICR Director Anders Oskal gave a presentation to a 30 plus sized delegation from Bioforsk, the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, who were passing through Kautokeino. Oskal introduced Bioforsk staff to the work of ICR and the EALAT project. Jelena Porsanger, Research Director of the Sami University College also made a presentation.


Bioforsk is a national R&D institute under the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Bioforsk is a new institute constituted as a result of the merger of The Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research, The Norwegian Crop Research Institute and Norwegian Centre for Ecological Agriculture. The main areas of competence are linked to food quality and safety, agriculture and rural development, environmental protection and natural resources management. Bioforsk has a staff of about 500, with an annual turnover of some e40 million. The R&D activities of Bioforsk are organized in seven research divisions, located in different regions of Norway.

Anders Oskal, Bioforsk, ICR Activities
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