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Ingunn Ims Vistnes Interview on the Reindeer Portal
Written by Philip Burgess   
Thursday, 15 May 2008 01:00
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Ingunn Ims Vistnes is a researcher at NORUT, based in Alta, Norway who has just successfully defended her Dr. philos thesis entitled ‘Impacts of Human Development and Activity on Reindeer and Caribou Habitat Use’.


Her thesis is the result of nearly a decade of research into the impacts of human activity on reindeer habitat which has resulted in the publication of a number of refereed articles in international scholarly journals, 8 of which are in the newly published Dr. philos thesis. The study areas were primarily from examples in Norway, but examples from Alaska were also used.

Read the full interview here http://arcticportal.org/en/icr/feature

Ingunn Ims Vistnes, Loss of pastures, NORUT
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