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WRH Chair Meets Russian Minister for Regional Development
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Wednesday, 02 September 2009 14:30
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thumb_pogodAssociation of World Reindeer Herders (WRH) Board chair Mikhail Pogodaev has taken part in the government meeting about the industrial development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Victor Basargin. The President of the Republic, Vyacheslav Shtyrov made a speech , discussing strategic investment projects and the challenges that are inhibiting the accelerated development of the Republic. Challenges mentioned included the need for the creation of basic housing, a high level of poor quality and emergency housing, the unsatisfactory condition of infrastructure, and also the high prices of electric power.

See Photo's of Meeting Here

Participants of the meeting also heard a presentation by Pogodaev entitled “About measures of state support for indigenous peoples of the Russian North”. He told about issues related to federal legislation concerning the registration of reindeer pastures, about the necessity of the adoption of the federal law on reindeer husbandry, the need for an increase in financing from the state budget for traditional activities of indigenous peoples. Pogodaev also called for a housing development programme for families of reindeer herders, the introduction of modern equipment, the use of new technologies in reindeer husbandry, about the necessity of increase in investments on construction of infrastructure of reindeer husbandry. Besides the experience of the development of nomadic schools in Yakutia was noted, and Pogodaev stated that it was necessary that this experience become widespread in other reindeer-herding regions of Russia. Also special attention was given to issues related to the creation of indigenous peoples own local institutes and the necessity of supporting the WRH initiative regarding the establishment of a Circumpolar UArctic Institute on Reindeer Husbandry. Regarding industrial development in northern territories it is necessary to develop and support programs and research that examine the consequences of industrial development on indigenous peoples’ territories, including the influence of infrastructure and industrial development on reindeer husbandry.

Proposals from WRH were discussed on the development of international and inter-regional cooperation in reindeer husbandry, including the organization of courses for state employees and representatives of the industrial companies about reindeer husbandry; the creation of printed materials regarding the dissemination of information on reindeer husbandry; exchange programs between reindeer herders of various regions; Creation and support of a network of Information Centres on reindeer husbandry in the regions of Russia; Monitoring of reindeer pastures and situation in reindeer herding regions of Russia, etc.

During the meeting Mikhail Pogodaev presented the EALAT book: “Reindeer Herder’s Voice” to the Minister and to the President of Yakutia. Pogodaev also discussed the opportunity to have a meeting of the WRH delegation with the minister this autumn. The meeting came to an end with the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and the Government of Sakha Republic in the field of social and economic development.

You can download the full text of the statement in Russian here

See Photo's of Meeting Here 

More Info:

Mikhail Pogodaev, Reindeer Herders Voice, Sakha (Yakutia), WRH Activities, Yakutsk
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