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EALÁT Delivers to Arctic Council Ministerial: in Nuuk
Written by Philip Burgess   
Friday, 13 May 2011 01:00
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nuuk_SAODramatic changes for indigenous peoples in the Arctic: Cornerstone project on indigenous peoples and climate change delivered to the 7th Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting


The Arctic Council project EALÁT will deliver its final report for the 7th Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting 12th May 2011 in Nuuk, Greenland. The EALÁT project was initiated by WRH to address climate change and loss of pastures in different reindeer herding regions of the world, and is a Norwegian led project of the Arctic Council. EALÁT has been a cornerstone project on indigenous peoples and climate change in the Arctic Council in 2007-2011.

 Selected key findings:

  • Climate and socio-economic change are now evident across the Arctic, and is particularly evident in reindeer herding cultures and in their traditional areas.
  • Global and regional scenarios project dramatic changes in temperature, precipitation and snow conditions in the key areas for reindeer herding and in social-economic changes for reindeer herding communities and other indigenous communities in the Arctic.
  • Degradation of pasture lands combined with the consequences of a changing climate will challenge the future of reindeer husbandry.
Download full press release below

Deliverables to the Arctic Council included:

-          “EALÁT - Reindeer Herding, Traditional Knowledge and Adaptation to Climate Change and Loss of Pastures”. Project report 2007-2011, delivered May 2011. Based on the upcoming IPY EALÁT Scientific Report due July 2011.

-          “EALÁT – Documentary Movie”. A 30 minute documentary movie, focusing on reindeer herding, climate change, land use change and adaptation.

Download the full press release here

Read about the Nuuk ministerial, declarations and signings here.

'Cooperation pledged by Arctic Nations / New York Times

report dvd
 Arctic Council Report  Documentary on the EALAT project
Arctic Council, EALAT Documentary, EALAT publications, ICR Activities, Ministerial, Nuuk, SAO, WRH, WRH Activities
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