Norway to Direct Millions to Research in the Russian High North |
Written by Barents Observer
Wednesday, 14 March 2012 19:41 |
The Norwegian Government gives NOK 105 million for research on Russia and the High North. The money (app € 14 mill) will be provided over a five-year period to the Research Council of Norway’s program on Russia and international relations in the High North/Arctic (NORRUSS).
“Our intention is to enhance knowledge about Russia and the High North. These are key areas in Norwegian foreign policy, and we need to have up-to-date information at all times if we are to be able to develop sound policies,” Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said, according to the Government’s web site.
Norway aims to be a leader in the field of knowledge about the High North and Russia. Over a period of five years, a total of NOK 105 million (app € 14 mill) will be divided as follows: NOK 45 million (app € 6 mill) to research on Russia, NOK 45 million to research on the High North, and NOK 15 million (app € 2 mill) to studies that assess the implications of the increased Asian interest in the High North. The funds will be channeled through the Research Council.
“We need to understand social development in Russia, as this also has an impact on Russian foreign policy and Russia’s cooperation with Norway,” Støre said.
5th World Reindeer Congress in China, 2013 |
Written by Philip Burgess
Wednesday, 14 March 2012 02:39 |
Johan Mathis Turi, General Secretary of the Association of World Reindeer Herders and Anders Oskal, Director of the International Center for Reindeer Husbandry have just returned from China where they attended the first planning meeting for the 5th Congress of World Reindeer Herders, which will be held in the second part of 2013.
Turi and Oskal met with local organisers from the host towns of Genhe and Alougoya and scheduled further planning meetings and preliminary scheduling. The Congress is a unique gathering of reindeer herders from around the world and is held every four years, with the last Congress being held in Kautokeino, Norway.
You can download a press release from this first meeting here.

From Left: Anders Oskal, Johan Mathis Turi, Vice Mayor of Genhe Mr. Sa, Joanna Zhang, and WRH Council Vice President Mr Bo.
What Can Indigenous People Tell Us About Climate Change: Igor Krupnik |
Written by Philip Burgess
Friday, 24 February 2012 20:45 |
VANCOUVER, CANADA—The Arctic has become the frontline for observing the effects of anthropogenic climate change, from rising ocean temperatures to shrinking sea ice cover. These changes have greatly impacted the traditional practices of indigenous Arctic communities, which rely on sea ice for hunting and travel. In recent years, climate scientists have sought the multigenerational and intimate knowledge that indigenous people have of their environment. How can scientists use this knowledge to improve climate projections and models while respecting indigenous culture?
Igor Krupnik, an anthropologist with the Smithsonian Institution, has studied the indigenous communities of Alaska and northern Russia for 40 years. Yesterday, he gave a talk at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (which publishes ScienceNOW) on environmental observations that indigenous experts recorded from 2000 to 2010. I sat down to chat with him about what scientists could learn from indigenous perspectives of climate change. (Source: Science:AAAS)
Prince Albert II of Monaco to visit Kautokeino in March 2012 |
Written by Philip Burgess
Thursday, 23 February 2012 19:04 |
HRH Prince Albert II of Monaco will visit Kautokeino Finnmark at the end of March 2012. The Association of World Reindeer Herders, the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry and the Kautokeino Municipality is hosting the visit. The Prince will meet indigenous youth from the circumpolar reindeer husbandry, to discuss the major changes now taking place in the Arctic indigenous areas with respect to climate change and industrial development. He will also participate in and give a lecture in conjunction with the "World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference" ( entitled, "Adapting to climate change and protection of the Arctic." This conference brings together indigenous television broadcasters from around the world.
HRH Prince Albert II has demonstrated an extensive global commitment to issues related to climate change and environmental protection for sustainable development, focusing in part on biodiversity. "The fact that His Royal Highness Prince Albert as a head of state and with its strong commitment now to visit Kautokeino to meet international reindeer youth is very important to Arctic indigenous communities in a challenging time," said Mikhail Pogodaev, the leader of the Association of World Reindeer Herders. The Mayor of Kautokeino, Klemet Erland Hætta in Kautokeino also emphasized the event, "This visit shows that Kautokeino has gradually been put on the map in the northern regions where indigenous issues are discussed. We look forward to giving a good reception to HRH Prince Albert in Kautokeino. "
HKH Fyrst Albert II av Monaco besøker Kautokeino i mars 2012 |
Written by Philip Burgess
Thursday, 23 February 2012 18:55 |
HKH Fyrst Albert II av Monaco vil besøke Kautokeino og Finnmark i slutten av mars 2012. Verdensforbundet for Reindriftsfolk, Internasjonalt reindriftssenter og Kautokeino kommune er vertskap for besøket. Fyrsten vil treffe urfolksungdom fra den sirkumpolare reindriften, for å diskutere de store endringene som nå skjer i de Arktiske urfolksområdene mht. klimatiske endringer og industriell utbygging. Han vil også delta i og gi et foredrag i forbindelse med ”World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference” ( med tittelen: ”Tilpasning til klimatiske endringer og beskyttelse av Arktis”. NRK Sápmi er vertskap for konferanse som samler urfolks TV-kringkastere fra hele verden.
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