Sami trickster visiting herdswomen…tricks of a jester for you.
What does a trickster or a jester do? A trickster makes people laugh; she fiddles around with subjects other people often find hard to approach. A trickster scolds her audience, defends the weak and makes fun of people with authority. In this performance you will hear about a young girl, Biiga, the runaway reindeer Snoop Deer and Granny, a spry old lady of 106 telling stories and yoiking. Sara Margrethe performs in Sami and English at the same time, and how she does it, you must see for yourself! From the review in NRK Sameradio February 2010: "A funny performance with lots of jokes and subtlety ... In short, a show really worth seeing." Siri K. Gaski About Sara Margrethe Oskal: Sara Margrethe Oskal is former reindeer herder. Nearly ten years ago she chose art as a livelihood. She has just defended her artistic research "Sami jester tradition in stories and yoik, and contemporary stage expressions" at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, faculty of performing Arts. The members of the assessment committee were: Asko Sarkola, theatre manager at Helsinkin Kaupungin Teatteri, Hanne Tømta, theatre manger at Nathionalteateret, Oslo and Nils Gaup, film director. They concluded: Old, forgotten experiences can become radical and new when they are brought forth again in a new context. The candidate has created an amusing performance where laughter opens the door into serious places. A fine mixture of entertainment and provocation. The storyteller manages to fool her audience, everything seems deceptively simple and easy - but she knows what she's up to and where she wants to take us. .
Praktihkalaš dieđut fágaseminára oktavuođas "Lea go boazoealáhusas dárbu nissonolbmuide?" Álttas 5.-7.3.2010 / Praktisk informasjon i forbindelse fagseminaret " Er det bruk for kvinner i reindrifta?" i Alta 5.-7.3.10 Busse sáhttu vuolgá Guovdageainnus Áltái bearjadaga 5.3.2010 dii 14.00 Statoila luhtte.
Prosjektet BIRGEN arrangerer fagseminar for kvinner i reindriften 5-7.03.2010 i Alta.
Seminára fáttát leat: -boazoealáhusa nissonolbmuid hástalusat ja vejolašvuođat otná ealáhusas, -nissonolbmuid árbevirolaš máhttu ja oahpaheapmi ja -mo sáhttá ávkkástallat árbevirolaš máhtuin dálá boazoealáhusas. Semináras digaštallojuvvo maiddái boazoealáhusa nissonolbmuid riikkaviidosašfierpmádaga stivraásaheami birra, dan ulbmil ja boahtteáigi.
Temaer for fagseminaret er ; -kvinners muligheter og utfordringer i reindrifta i dag, -kvinners kunnskap og opplæring og -hvordan kan tradisjonell kunnskap nyttiggjøres i dagens reindriftsnæring? Det diskuteres også om det er behov for et riksdekkende styre for reindriftskvinnenettverkene, dets formål og fremtidig rolle.