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Climate Conditions & Scenarios for Herding (WP 1)
View climate scenarios for the world through Google Earth
Written by Dagrun Vikhamar Schuler   
Thursday, 12 November 2009 17:52
AddThis Social Bookmark Button Google Earth, we have made a selection of measuring stations around the world available with associated climate scenarios and back projections. 

Our methods allow you to extract scenarios for local areas from a large number of locations around the world. At each measurement station are observations of temperature and precipitation. In addition, you'll find trend from 1900 onward in time to 2100 based on the models. 

To see the scenarios it is required that you have installed Google Earth on your machine. 

You can download Google Earth for free here

Once you have Google Earth you can find the climate scenarios for the world.

Here you will find the climate scenarios (. Kmz file).

For More information

Contact: Rasmus Benestad at

February 2008 - One Year After Indigenous Peoples IPY Opening, Kautokeino - Is it Unusually Warm?
Written by Philip Burgess   
Thursday, 28 May 2009 01:22
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ihbauer"Thus the winter as a whole may become the warmest since the measurements started.”

Inger Hanssen Bauer, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Febraury 14, 2008

A year ago this week, the opening of the Indigenous Peoples International Polar Year was held  in Kautokeino with over 600 guests filling the local sports hall with attendees including the then Minister for Environment Helen Bjornoy, State Secretary for Sami Affairs Berit Oskal and President of the Sami Parliament Aili Keskitalo. The event was a huge success and was followed by the first EALAT workshop with a wide range of presentations being made by researchers and reindeer herders.

A quick look at the pictures from that day suggest that it was cold – and it was – with the temperature touching -35 C. (cold - but not as cold as the February of 1966 when the monthly average was -25.8 C and the coldest day was -48.8 C!


Fast forward to 2008 and we are in the midst of an extremely mild February. Indeed this week it was +2 C and raining. 
I called EALAT team member and the Head of section/Climate research at the Norwegian Meteorogical Institute Inger Hanssen Bauer to ask whether we were in the midst of an unusually warm February.

Interview: Dagrun Vikhamar Schuler
Written by Philip Burgess   
Thursday, 28 May 2009 01:21
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dagrunDagrun Vikhamar Schuler is a researcher with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute in Oslo. She works closely with Inger Marie Gaup Eira in EALAT Work Package 1. She works primarily with modelling - using the Snowpack program to model layers in the snow pack, using data from Kautokeino and Karasjok. The image below is a sample of the Snowpack software - showing the development of the snow pack in 1966 - a winter that was marked by the formation of a hard ice layer that caused the deaths of a large number of reindeer in the Kautokeino region, an event that is remembered by many reindeer herders today. Dagrun was interviewed by Philip Burgess during the Winter of 2007/8.

What is your position and where do you work?

I work at the Norwegian Meteorological Institite in the Climate Research group and I am currently working in the EALAT project.

What kind of research are you doing in the EALAT project?


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