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Where Home Cooking Gets the Cold Shoulder..
Written by Philip Burgess   
Monday, 02 June 2008 01:00
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(Article from Washington Post, Anders Oskal, ICR Director accompanied the author and Lars Kullerud to Salekhard and beyond for this article, and World Reindeer Herders President Dmitry Khorolia facilitated the visit to the tundra). Washington Post, By Andreas Viestad. Wednesday, May 14, 2008; Page F01 SCHUCH'YE, Western Siberia --


Of all the cowboy towns in this part of Siberia, this must be one of the roughest. When we ride our tractor into town, the first thing I see is a man with a gun next to a dead wolf. On a nearby field a group of men are showing off their lasso-throwing skills. But of course it isn't a cowboy town. It is a reindeer town. Outside the one-story administration building, the parking lot is nearly filled with parked reindeer waiting restlessly for a racing competition to begin. Inside the building, the women of the village are having a fashion show; almost all the clothes are made from reindeer skins. In a large tent, generous portions of reindeer stew are being ladled out. Even the wolf is connected to the reindeer: It was killed only after having preyed on a flock of them.

Read the full story below http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/13/AR2008051300583.html?sid=ST2008051302252

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